Andy McCarthy of National Review on Pat Cipollone's Testimony

Andy McCarthy is a former federal prosecutor and current Fox News contributor and contributing editor at National Review as well as writing for other outlets. He's also the author of "Ball of Collusion," the single best book about Democratic efforts to persecute/prosecute former President Donald Trump regarding bogus claims of nefarious ties to Russia, claims which led to the wild goose chase known as the Mueller Investigation. We always end up in a wide-ranging conversation but for today I want to ask Andy about two main things: First, Friday's behind-closed-doors testimony to the January 6 Committee of former White House Counsel Pat Cipollone about which surprisingly little has been said or leaked. And second, the importance of a major Supreme Court ruling that came down while I was on vacation the week prior to Independence Day in a case called EPA v West Virginia. That was a BAD day for big government bureaucrats and for the Green New Deal although I wish the Court had gone further than it did.

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